Seafolly Saviour. - MISCHA BAKA

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Seafolly Saviour.

A stills shoot in the city with Caroline Meaden, Alice Dixon and Will McBride.

This shoot was to capture more photographs for a calendar. The calander was offered to supporters of the dance troupes show, Lady Example.

It is a pleasure to work with this team. They are playful, creative and comfortable being themselves in front of the camera.

My roaming flash was broken and I resorted to my built in camera flash. This flash suited a concept I had been thinking of for some time, but never really played with.

Concept: People pose in front of large billboard and promotional fashion photos working themselves into the image and the ideals they represent.
An interplay between the common consumer and the ideal they are being sold.

Caroline Meaden Seafolly Mischa Baka

Alice Dixon, Caroline Meaden, Whil Bride

I would have liked to have found some more explicit images.

I do love the image of Caroline sacrificing her body in an attempt to shield the model, or shield the viewer from the image.

All the women love Will

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